Government Planning Policy revamp: "Not good enough", say local Lib Dems
Following the government launching a revamp of national planning policy, local Lib Dems have warned that the changes do not go far enough.
Following the government launching a revamp of national planning policy, local Lib Dems have warned that the changes do not go far enough.
The Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Lewes constituency, James MacCleary, has joined his party’s demands for Parliament to be recalled amid estimates that 500 people across the country each week are dying due to A&E delays.
Volunteers at Malling Foodbank in Lewes have developed new services designed to cater for a growing number of clients who are struggling with the rise in the cost of living.
A district councillor has spoken out against fracking – and urged the government to make this ban permanent.
The 2022 Elections Act requires all voters in future UK elections to show identification. If you do not have acceptable forms of photo identification, you will not be able to vote.
Cllr Rob Banks, Lib Dem District Councillor for Plumpton, said: "It is with huge anger that I heard that the Nolands Farm planning appeal has been allowed by the government's Planning Inspector for 86 houses.